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Counter FAQ

How do I install this counter for my Web?

You will need to go to your console page and check install next to the counter.cgi

How do I get the counter to appear in my pages?

You will need to use this line of code:(you can copy and paste if you like)

<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/dreamcounter/counter.cgi" -->

**NOTE**  Any pages using this counter need to end in .shtml

How do I change the count?

The count is stored in a text file in your /cgi-bin/dreamcounter directory.  The name of the file is named counter.txt.  Be sure you type in the count you would like and save the file.  Do not press enter or put any other information in this file.   If you do the counter will not work!!!

Can I use different digits?

Yes you can use any digits you like.  You can download different digits from

Make sure you name your digits 0.gif through 9.gif and put them in your


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