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Password Protecting your pages

How do I password protect my pages?

Copy the lines below and put them in a file named .htaccess,  You can make this file in any text editor.  Be sure to modify the line named AuthUserFile below.   Notice the last part of  the AuthUserFile, service.pwd.  This is the file that you need to put the username password pairs into, you can create this file in any text editor.  The username and password pairs need to be encrypted through your console.

---------------------------COPY BELOW-----------------------------
# This is the configuration file for you to password protect a directory.
# NOTE: Make sure you put the correct path to the directory you are
# trying to protect after the AuthUserFile line below.  Also make 
# sure you put this .htaccess file in the directory that you are trying to 
# to protect and the service.pwd also in the directory that you 
# are trying to protect. 

AuthType Basic AuthName PasswordAdmin AuthUserFile /web/disk1/virtual/ require valid-user ---------------------------COPY ABOVE-----------------------------

The AuthUserFile line is very important. There are a few things that must be correct on this line.

How do I encrypt the passwords?

You will need to use the http encryption utility in your account console and put them in a file named service.pwd, you can create this file in any text editor.  The username password pairs should look something like this:


Notice that there is a space at the end of the encrypted password if you click and drag you mouse over it like you were going to copy it, this is very important and is usually left out when it gets copied and pasted into the service.pwd file.

Why doesn't this work for me, I think I did it right?

Make sure that when you encrypt the password you get the whole line copied to paste into the htpasswd file.  Most of the time the last character doesn't get copied, which happens to be a space.

If you have problems with this system, please send email to and be sure to include the following information:

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